What makes me optimistic? The people in Kaniva like Sharon Merrett

"What makes me optimistic? The people in Kaniva like Sharon Merrett next door here.  Sharon Munn a few doors up.  Helen Hobbs there at the farm. They're all goers. They all want to do something for Kaniva and they are doing a bloody good job." 

That's what Oscar ("The Grouch") Harrison told me as I walked the streets of Kaniva asked what makes you optimistic and what makes you optimistic for Kaniva.

Victor collected stories of Kanivas Optimism


Holly Pepper

"What makes me optimistic for Kaniva? Such a large majority of the community want the best and work hard to improve the town. Whether this is tourism, sporting, education - locals are constantly seeking ways to improve our community."


Lynette Powell, Past President, Kaniva and District Progress Association

"What makes me optimistic for Kaniva? Seeing all the young people making Kaniva their future, working, building homes, having families, etc. I love all the groups and committees there are in Kaniva, all working for a positive purpose for our communities and community."







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