Max Purcell Optimism for the Resilience and Strength of Humanity

"What makes me optimistic is the resilience and strength of humans and the world around me, along with the potential for positive change."
The insight and energy of Max Purcell: I asked Max what makes him optimistic.
Max Purcell is the Director, Corporate Governance at Morrow Sodali.  Max's work is focused on providing listed organisations with leading ESG advice specialising in governance, remuneration and sustainability.
I asked Max what makes him feel optimistic.
Max told me, "What makes me feel optimistic is being able to witness the world around me, these exact examples of resilience, strength, kindness and the fast-paced progress of individuals and communities across the world. This is enabled by extraordinary intelligence, both past and present, and wisdom bestowed upon us over generations, leading to the clear goal of bettering the world around us for the planet and future generations."
What makes you optimistic?  What makes you feel optimistic?
Read More: Resilience is Underpinned by Optimism
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