Greening Australia: The Case for Optimism
This was an inspiring Optimism Cafe at the Centre for Optimism with panellists Greening Australia's leaders CEO Brendan Foran, Board Member Julie Green and Centre for Optimism Chair Robert Masters.
Moderated by Centre for Optimism Chief Optimism Officer Victor Perton with questions from Rod Wade, Matt Lanigan, Angus M Robinson, Jeremy Wright, Scott Barnett and many more, this was an inspiring meeting.
The good news is that during these unprecedented times, Greening Australia is forging ahead with projects across the country!
Greening Australia's leaders are optimistic. Julie Green Non-Executive Director and Brendan Foran CEO outlined their 2030 goals and showcase their work with Woodside on land restoration creating carbon credits, as a market-based solution.
In addition, their actions protect the Great Barrier Reef, which has a massive economic benefit, through increasing water quality by 97% and restoring wetlands.
Julie Green is a member of the Centre for Optimism and has been collecting expressions of optimism from neighbours and friends. Julie told us, "The attitude you choose is in your control. You can choose pessimism but what is the point of that? Or you can choose to be optimistic and inspire others to be the best they can be. The choice is obvious."