Trust and Optimism: Optimism is the Key to Trust

Trust and Optimism: Optimism is the Key to Trust
By Victor Perton

Optimism is the foundation of trust, and trust helps build optimism. 

In a world where fear, anxiety, and pessimism are often exploited for economic gain, cultivating optimism becomes essential for individual well-being and the health of communities and societies. 

A conversation with a friend about the centrality of trust drew me to examine what people have shared with me during my research on options, writing "Optimism: The How and Why" and the Australian Leadership Project.

The Role of Optimism in Building Trust

Optimism is a powerful force that drives trust. When people feel optimistic, they are more likely to trust others and institutions. 

Writing in the Middle Ages, Mother Julian of Norwich said, "All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of thing shall be well." 

Worth Reading: "All Shall be Well"

This assurance that everything will work out is a big part of building trust in life, the future, and people.

Sue Mathieson shared this wisdom with me: "It is in solitude and quiet that one finds the wisest counsel. This is where we connect with our inner wisdom, building that trust that all things really do work together for good, empowering us to move forward with bold optimism."

Trust-Building Optimism

Joanne Butterworth-Gray, Chairperson of Southern Rural Water, eloquently describes optimism as "the exquisite taste of the first white peach of the season; it is the trust with which your grandson takes your hand." 

Joanne's metaphor illustrates how trust and optimism foster connections and a sense of belonging, especially in times of uncertainty, where they can become a beacon of hope.

Anil Dash, CEO of Glitch, said, "If you can trust in a community, and you can trust in your ability to express yourself, and you can trust in having a safe place to share your ideas, that gives you space to be optimistic. It gives you space to have some hope to think you have something to share when the ground is shifting under you and you can't take people at their word."

The interplay between optimism and trust can be seen in the workplace as well. The psychotherapist and author Bryan Robinson emphasises that "The attitude you bring to the office—positive or negative—is contagious and spreads to others in the workplace. Optimism encourages you to focus on possibilities, potential and solutions instead of deficits, past regrets and problems. You delegate work responsibilities, instead of micromanaging, and your encouragement of independence sends a message to employees that you trust their performance abilities."

This optimistic outlook fosters an environment of trust and collaboration where employees feel valued and empowered.

Optimism as a Catalyst for Positive Change and Success

Optimism acts as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring trust and cooperation. Richard Hames, a futurist, asserts that "if optimism and hope are at the core of strategy conversations, the strategy can result in levels of engagement, inspiration, and trust that are both powerful and inimitable." When leaders and communities embrace optimism, they create an environment where trust can flourish, leading to innovative solutions and collective progress.

Shawn D. Murphy further underscores this point by stating, "Without trust, extraordinary results aren't possible. Without trust and extraordinary results, workplace optimism is absent." 

This sentiment highlights the crucial role optimism plays in achieving success. By fostering a culture of trust and optimism, organisations can drive exceptional performance and attract top talent, leading to sustained success.

Optimism and trust are indispensable in leadership. Derek Rowe emphasises that "hope is the epicenter of leadership, framing EI, trust, consultation and all the other traits that usually appear in those top 10 lists of what leaders need." 

Historical figures like Mandela and Gandhi exemplified this, leading with hope and optimism even in the face of adversity. Their leadership demonstrates how optimism builds trust and inspires action toward a better future.

The Interplay of Optimism, Trust, and Resilience

The interplay between optimism, trust, and resilience is crucial for overcoming challenges. In a 2015 speech, Hillary Clinton acknowledged the difficulties in replenishing trust in society but remained "convinced, as the congenital optimist I must be to live my life, that we can rise to this challenge." 

Her optimism underscores the belief that a commitment to hope and positive action can restore trust despite deep divisions.

This inner trust and optimism enable individuals to navigate uncertainties with confidence and resilience, contributing to personal and collective growth.

Fi Bendall added, "In an era where people's mistrust of government and business is at an all-time high, optimism needs to thrive. Humans need hope, and hope needs humans." 

Fi's observation highlights the necessity of optimism in a world often dominated by mistrust and negativity. Focusing on acts of kindness and positivity can create a ripple effect that restores trust and fosters a sense of community.

Optimism and Trust in Everyday Life

Everyday acts and expressions of optimism can profoundly impact the building of trust in our lives and the lives of those around us. 

Pete Jensen believes that "cultivating optimism begins with humility, recognising that I can't be in control of everything, and trusting that things will work themselves out." This perspective reduces anxiety and fear, allowing individuals to focus on what they can control and take positive actions toward their goals.

Pablo Cilotta, from World Commerce and Contracting, shares that his optimism and happiness are enhanced by "expressing gratitude and being passionate when learning new things, meeting new people, building relationships based on trust and confidence, and building bridges." 

This approach to life fosters a cycle of optimistic and positive interactions and mutual trust, creating a supportive and optimistic environment.


Optimism is indeed the key to trust. It fosters a positive outlook that encourages trust in oneself, others, and the future. By embracing optimism, individuals and communities can rise above the pervasive negativity and fear often dominating discourse. 

As Fi Bendall aptly notes, "Optimism needs to thrive" in an era of widespread mistrust. Through daily acts of kindness, gratitude, and positive engagement, we can cultivate an environment where trust and optimism flourish, paving the way for a brighter and more connected world.

The insights shared by these thought leaders echo the themes I have explored in my work, underscoring the importance of optimism in building and maintaining trust. Committing to an optimistic outlook and fostering trust in our daily interactions can create a more hopeful and resilient future for all.

Worth Doing: Our 5-Minute Survey on "What makes you Optimistic?"

Some Quotable Quotes

Anil Dash, CEO of Glitch

 If you can trust in a community, and you can trust in your ability to express yourself, and you can trust in having a safe place to share your ideas, that gives you space to be optimistic. It gives you space to have some hope to think you have something to share when the ground is shifting under you and you can’t take people at their word.”

Shawn D. Murphy in "The Role of Workplace Optimism in Building Trust”

 "Without trust extraordinary results aren’t possible. Without trust and extraordinary results, workplace optimism is absent. Without workplace optimism, talented people stay away from or leave companies. What’s left? Mediocre results missed goals and unhappy people. Workplace optimism is not a viewpoint or belief system. It’s a cultural vibe that influences a positive work experience. The outcomes of workplace optimism deepen and expand trust. Let’s look at the relationship.”

 Sue Mathieson

“It is in solitude and quiet that one finds the wisest counsel. This is where we connect with our inner wisdom, building that trust that all things really do work together for good, empowering us to move forward with bold optimism.”

Joanne Butterworth-Gray GAICD, Chairperson, Southern Rural Water

"Optimism is the exquisite taste of the first white peach of the season; it is the trust with which your grandson takes your hand; the acceptance of your destiny and your place in a world that is much bigger than you; and mostly, optimism is living and being the person you are meant to be."

Richard Hames, Futurist

 "If optimism and hope are at the core of strategy conversations, the strategy can result in levels of engagement, inspiration and trust that are both powerful and inimitable."

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