Read Some Optimism Every Day: Positive Affirmations
People ask me what makes me optimistic. There are many things and my optimism grows daily as I share the optimism of friends, colleagues and strangers who answer my question, “What makes you optimistic?”
My book "Optimism: The How and Why" contains hundreds of affirmations and there are many people who read a page a day from my earlier books. Many of those quotes and affirmations have been transferred to this website - see, for example, "Optimists on their Optimism."
I get a lot of positive correspondence and mentions for sharing my thoughts and the thoughts of others on the benefits of optimism. Delivering one of my workshops in prison, a murderer told me why he had come to my workshop. His cellmate had come to a previous workshop and had a copy of my book - the cellmate now keeps a gratitude journal, reads one page of my book daily and lifts the spirits of his fellow prisoners. This prisoner wanted a deeper dose of that optimism directly from me. You can imagine how good that made me feel - changing one life through my commitment to spreading optimism.
So my advice is that you should read positive affirmations. Read them out loud.
Obviously, I commend the collection in the book and there are many other themed books and social media sites with beautiful writing stirring the optimistic and joyful parts of your brain and spirit.
In "Affirmations and Neuroplasticity: Affirmations can help us develop a more optimistic way of looking at ourselves," David Schechter wrote, "Affirmations can help us to develop a more optimistic way of looking at ourselves and our experiences. Optimism is known to be a powerful concept. Chronic physical symptoms are, in part, about a destructive narrative within us. My patients learn to change this narrative through diagnosis, education, journaling and affirmations. More hopeful and positive narratives that acknowledge the pain of the past, but offer hope for the future lead to successful outcomes."