Mike Westman's Optimistic Leadership
Mike Westman is Chief Operating Officer of the Shackleton Group, Inc.
Victor Perton: Mike, what makes you optimistic?
Mike Westman: "Feeling confident that my preparations are adequate and appropriate."
VP: The times call for realistic and infectiously optimistic leaders. Mike, who are the infectiously optimistic leaders who have inspired you?”
Mike Westman: "My mentor in the Marine Corps, Col Tom Hardwick. Never heard him say a cross word about anyone…ever…and in the darkest of times, always wore a smile and encouraged others to look for good."
VP: Mike, what role does optimism play in your leadership training?
Mike Westman: "Optimism can shade you from the truth if it’s not tempered with realism and action. I can be optimistic about becoming a great leader, but it’s not going to happen unless I get up and take some steps toward becoming a great leader. Balance is key. Dream it, see it, prepare for it, train for what you want to become…THEN be optimistic about the outcome. Optimism and vision are inextricably linked."
VP: What role does optimism play in your other services?
Mike Westman: "Optimism in our other services is borne out of the confidence we have in our experience helping others do what they do better. We know our organizational development approach works, and it works especially well in complex, highly dynamic environments."
(February 2020)