Nice Expressions of New Year Optimism

"2023 brought war, unprecedented devastation, climate crises, and suffering. Despite it all, my optimism is unshaken."

That's the leadership we need!  That was the New Year message from Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme.

What makes you optimistic? 

The Dalai Lama said, "Despite the many challenges that we are facing today, I feel optimistic that with a growing appreciation of how interconnected we all are in the oneness of humanity, we can all work to lead more meaningful lives and create a better world."

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa wrote, "Despite the many challenges that our country is facing, we do have cause for hope and #optimism.  Our hope and our optimism is based on the knowledge that we have faced many hardships in the past and have overcome them.  I therefore firmly believe that better days lie ahead."




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