A Neurosurgeon's Advice: Increase Your Optimism!!

Increase Your Optimism!!
Marc Arginteanu says, "Optimism and anxiety are at war in your brain. Whichever one wins will change your brain structure forever. Scientists have reported that optimistic people have more activity in the front part of the cingulate gyrus (region that processes emotions and behavior) and orbitofrontal cortex (region of the brain that helps make high-level decisions). Scientists have also reported that these areas of the brain may be hypoactive (not working properly) in depressed individuals. Because of #neuroplasticity (the ability of brain cells to change), the power of positive thinking may help protect against depression.
"What you can do in 5 minutes or less: Daily practice of optimism. Recognize the single best thing that happened today and recite it aloud."
What is the best thing that has happened to you today?
Marc Arginteanu's advice aligns beautifully with what I teach at the Centre for Optimism. Asking, 'What has been the best thing in your day?' is one of the most powerful habits I share. It’s transformative—not just for the person being asked but for the asker too. Chances are, they’ll ask you the same question, creating a ripple of positivity. Every time I ask someone this question, their face lights up, and I feel their energy shift toward optimism. It’s a simple yet profound way to brighten your day and theirs. Optimism is contagious—share it!"
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