The Optimism Cafe: David Hanscom Back in Control

Mar 2020: David Hanscom in Conversation with Victor Perton: We're talking about pain, anxiety, neuroplasticity and the role of optimism.

David Hanscom in Conversation with Victor Perton: We're talking about pain, anxiety, neuroplasticity and the role of optimism.

Dr David Hanscom believes that each human being has a deep drive to thrive and give back. This force is frequently compromised by chronic pain, which has been documented to have a similar impact on your quality of life as terminal cancer. Life becomes one of survival. Through his own personal ordeal, he discovered that chronic pain is curable by systematically using established medical practices in a self-directed manner. The key is to connect to your own capacity to heal.

Read more of David's work at

The Centre for Optimism asks "What makes you Optimistic?" and fosters realistic and infectiously optimistic leadership.

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