Clare O'Neill is Excited and Optimistic about Migration Opportunity
"What I am genuinely much more excited about is the big opportunity. We have every reason to be optimistic about our country’s future."
So said Clare O'Neil in a speech to the National Press Club of Australia on Australia's Migration System and releasing "A Review of the Migration System" and a draft outline of a new migration strategy for Australia.
Clare O'Neil is Australia's Minister for Home Affairs.
Clare said, "I have spoken a lot about what’s going wrong with Australia’s migration system today. There are a lot of problems. But what I am genuinely much more excited about is the big opportunity. We have every reason to be optimistic about our country’s future. And every reason to believe that our migration system can help us deliver a more secure and prosperous Australia, as it has done many times in the past. We are a truly great country with a fundamentally broken migration system. Just imagine what we will be able to achieve when we get this powerful engine working again in the national interest."
I like the reference to optimism. On election eve, 2022, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said: "I want a country where hope and optimism are the major emotions projected from our national government to the Australian people."
I disagree with the continuous rhetoric in Australia about "crisis" and "broken" systems.
Tell that to the people of the rest of the world, including Sudan, Yemen, and Ukraine.
As Australians, we are fortunate to live in a country with high living standards.
While there is always room for improvement, constant references to a "broken" system or "crisis" can erode our trust in government, regardless of political affiliation.
We should focus on opportunities for growth and progress rather than solely highlighting flaws. Let's work together to build a more optimistic brighter future for all Australians.
While a lot is broken with our migration system, I'm genuinely more excited about the big opportunity. We have every reason to be optimistic about our country's future.
— Clare O'Neil MP (@ClareONeilMP) April 27, 2023