The Art and Science of Joy on Optimism and Longevity

The Art and Science of Joy has invited The Centre for Optimism to collaborate in its 2023 Year of Joy and we look forward to optimism being the first of the superpowers to be highlighted in 2023.
Today, they posted an insight into optimism and longevity.  
"Did you know that, according to a study published in the journal of the U.S.’s National Academy of Sciences involving more than 70.000 people, optimistic people were more likely to live to 85 years or older compared to less optimistic people? 🧐

"Scientists and studies continued to emphasize the profound impact of optimism on both our physical and mental well-being. In the midst of challenge and negativity, we empathize with your worries and pessimistic feelings. But especially in times like this, optimism is crucial to help us all move forward and help each other. 😄

"Join us together in a community of Joy and positivity where we share happiness and empower each other. If you want to hear more about Optimism from our experts Victor Perton and Nóirín Mosley, A Year of Joy is for you! You can already pre-register here! 🌼"


As The Art and Science of Joy's Andrew Cannon said,  "Optimism has the power to really get things moving in the right direction!"

Worth Doing: Our 5-Minute Survey on "What makes you Optimistic?"

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