Optimism comes from The Breath of Life: Norman Vincent Peale

From the Power of the Plus Factor by Norman Vincent Peale

"Remember, too, what Martin Luther King said a hundred years later, when he talked of a world in which the remnants of racism and prejudice would be abolished? He said, "I have a dream ..."

"Dreamers are almost always optimists. A pessimist— someone who sees only negative possibilities, believes that nothing good is likely to happen. But dreamers believe that nothing is too good to be true.

"They live with excitement, because their dreams help them generate it.

"My mother was a dreamer: She saw romance and poetry in everything. I remember one foggy night on a Hudson River ferryboat when she spent half an hour trying to make me see and feel the thrill and mystery of great ships passing one another in the darkness, lights glowing dimly, whistles bellowing hoarsely. And I guess she succeeded, because after all these years I remember it still.

"C — every day sending creative and positive thoughts into the world around him. These strong thought waves condition the surrounding world positively and positive outcomes are activated. What you send out mentally over a long period of time will return to you in kind, precisely and inevitably. So, if you really want to succeed, or having become successful want to move further on, it is crucially important to change radically from destructive negative thinking to creative positive thinking.

"The Creator made each one of us in His own image and breathed into us the breath of life. That means energy, enthusiasm, optimism."

Read More of Optimism in The Power of Positive Thinking



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