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Resilience is Underpinned by Optimism 

by Victor Perton, Author of "Optimism: The How and Why"

"Human resilience absolutely makes me optimistic", Dr Cherie Hugo, Founder of The Lantern Project told me.

However, at a recent VicWater water industry conference, The Australian Broadcasting Commission's health commentator Norman Swan surprised everyone by describing the word resilience as "bullshit".

Looking back at earlier interviews, Norman had elaborated, saying, "I try and get rid of bullshit words like resilience and wellness... People are panicking if they're not resilient. They think 'I must be weak because I'm feeling bad.' It's just that sometimes you can suffer the slings and arrows of misfortune and other times you can't. All the things we define as disorders aren't disorders."

There's undoubtedly a feeling that, like sustainability, the word resilience is over-used. The numerous government agencies responsible for resilience and the billions spent don't make people feel any better or make the community more confident in the face of impending disaster.

A standard definition of resilience is "the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties."

Optimism is the underpinning of resilience.

At The Centre for Optimism, we have always believed it to be so.

This owed much to the wisdom of Professor Jane Burns, who told me, "People talk about tenacity and resilience and strength of character, but it is optimism that drives behaviour when on some days it would be easier to say "stop - I give up, it's too hard."

Martin Seligman and colleagues undertook over 15 years of research into what makes people resilient and concluded “that the answer is optimism.”

Resilience experts like those preparing The Wellbeing Project's "Wraw Resilience Report 2022" place "Flexible Thinking: Having an open and optimistic mindset" as one of their "5 Pillars of Resilience."

It makes sense. Resilience requires persistence through difficulties. Why would you persist unless you believed persistence would take you to a better place?

Chris Norman, Chief Executive Officer at NRM Regions Queensland

"The need for optimism has never been more important in dealing with the whole set of daily and long-term complex problems. Our resilience journey has been strengthened by an understanding of the critical need for optimism to underpin our approaches."

Emily Jaksch, 

 "Everyone faces adversity but it’s how you deal with it that defines the person. Your levels of optimism underpin your resilience and successful response to that adversity!"

Matt Joski, Sheriff, Kewaunee County

 Optimism is the engine that powers resiliency. While there are many character strengths which we all possess, they are all deficient unless supported by and deeply rooted in Optimism. We are impacted in everything from personal relationships to physical health by the existence or absence of Optimism. This powerful trait is not one founded in the denial of reality or refusal of circumstances, but rather the unyielding belief that even our darkest hours bring with them hope and empowerment.”

Robert Moritz, Global Chair, PwC

Embracing resilience fundamentally means building an optimism in people that will allow them to see failure as a step toward greater knowledge. I believe building organizational resilience and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances is rising to the top of the business agenda, particularly given the challenges we’re seeing in the 21st century”

Professor Jane Burns

People talk about tenacity and resilience and strength of character but it is optimism that drives behaviour when on some days it would be easier to say “stop - I give up, it’s too hard. Optimism is believing in the impossible and then taking the steps to make it possible.”

April Chepovskygold, Lawyer and Entrepreneur

“The Case for Optimism?  Belief in self and dreams inspires others to be the same….Resiliency.  You cannot inspire others with negativity.”


Renee Branson, Author

 "Optimism is the fuel and the faith that drives our resilience when our other resilience tools (reason, composure, vision) are temporarily out of reach. Optimism is the chair we sink into that we know will hold us until reason and composure catch up."


 Libby Mears, CEO, Leisure Networks

"I am optimistic when I see the strength of communities who have overcome adversity, seeing people included who are usually excluded and when I see people willing to display gentleness, empathy, compassion and kindness."


Dr Emily Edwards, Immunologist

"Being optimistic gives you the resilience and power to overcome life's challenges empowering you to live, learn, lead and ultimately make a difference to the lives of others."


Professor Fiona Wood, Australian of the Year 2005


(I am an) "absolute rabid optimist. Optimism coupled with resilience is an important combination."


Sarah Norton

 “Looking at this from a more personal perspective, I believe a person's optimism is heavily influenced by relationships forged, past achievements and hurdles overcome. As these experiences lead to personal growth in many areas and perhaps increased resilience, it may enable one to feel more prepared and confident knowing they are able to handle whatever challenge they may face, whether consciously chosen or unexpected, and therefore be more optimistic of the future regardless of what is happening in the world. Basis - personal experience.”


Jodie Rogers, MD at Symbia

 "Optimistic Mindset: The opposite of a Pessimistic Mindset. It’s built on believing that you have control over how you cope with life’s vicissitudes. Those with this mindset recover from setbacks more effectively."

Simon Prunster, Energy & Emissions Specialist, Yarra Valley Water

Optimism is the foundation of resilience, and resilience breeds determination. In combination these traits are powerful. Optimism hard wires you to search for a positive outcome, even when faced with a challenge. Resilience empowers you to return to the challenge, over and over again, even when it feels overwhelming. Determination provides the drive to solve the jigsaw puzzle. If this approach is successful and you overcome a challenge by delivering a positive outcome, then you can be part of a solution rather than perpetuating a problem. I try to leverage these traits in my professional life. Working in the field of energy and emissions reductions, my role (with the help of inspiring people) is to deliver positive economic outcomes with environmental benefits. Now that renewables are widely accepted as the cheapest form of new energy, I sense an increasing appetite to accelerate the clean energy transition from consumers, corporates and (most) governments. This gives me hope. I am optimistic that as a society, we will pull together with resilience and determination to address the biggest challenge we collectively face, the decarbonisation of our energy systems and economies.”

Emily Esfahani Smith, Author of The Power of Meaning

Far from being delusional or faith-based, having a positive outlook in difficult circumstances is not only an important predictor of resilience—how quickly people recover from adversity—but it is the most important predictor of it. People who are resilient tend to be more positive and optimistic compared to less-resilient folks; they are better able to regulate their emotions; and they are able to maintain their optimism through the most trying circumstances.

“This is what Dr. Dennis Charney, the dean of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, found when he examined approximately 750 Vietnam war veterans who were held as prisoners of war for six to eight years. Tortured and kept in solitary confinement, these 750 men were remarkably resilient. Unlike many fellow veterans, they did not develop depression or posttraumatic stress disorder after their release, even though they endured extreme stress. What was their secret? After extensive interviews and tests, Charney found ten characteristics that set them apart. The top one was optimism. The second was altruism. Humor and having a meaning in life—or something to live for—were also important.”

George Osborne, Hume City Council

"Optimism powers resilience"

Rosanna Iacono, Co-Founder, The Growth Activists

 "Optimism is what fuels our hope, our resilience, our ability to pick ourselves and forge on in the face of failure, and most importantly our ability to create an exciting future vision to strive towards. But optimism is not fully potentialised until it is combined with thoughtful collective activism - only then are great things achieved."

Dr Cherie Hugo, Founder, The Lantern Project

 “Human resilience absolutely makes me optimistic.”

Professor David C. Strubler, Ph.D.

"Optimism and resilience are learned by repeatedly testing our identity against the fears that we face and overcome."  

Amanda Campbell, Bend Like Bamboo

 "Resilience and our ability to be optimistic are our ability to know who we are, and who we can become, in the face of adversity."

Diana Hodgson, Dynamic Global HR Leader

“Leadership – the case for optimism?   People want to be inspired!  Given the future of work and the reality and pace of change as it evolves, optimism is an important trait to keep us moving productively forward. Resilience is its companion.  As I see it, being an optimist doesn’t mean that you can’t see faults and flaws, but it means that you see them as obstacles to be overcome and gives a language and anchor from which to draw the energy to move forward.”

Read more on Infectiously Optimistic Leadership


Dr Krystal Evans

"Optimism is empowering. It’s the belief that no matter what challenges you face, that you can make a difference. That your voice and your actions matter. It underpins resilience, determination and ambition."

Apoorva Deshpande

"Optimism is necessary to be resilient."

Ed Hammer, SailPoint's Strategic Account Executive

 My resilience keeps me optimistic that whatever comes my way, I will find a way through it."

Michael Crossland, Speaker

"Optimism and resilience helps you not just survive but thrive through uncertain times."

Maurits van Sambeek, MA

"What makes me optimistic is understanding the potential, resilience and creative powers of human beings, which can help us overcome virtually all turmoil and which gives us the opportunity and free will to choose to create a better life, starting today!"

Kate Ashmor 

"Being optimistic creates hope and promotes resilience, especially in the most difficult of times.

"An optimistic mindset says: "life will get easier, keep going, you have more to contribute - don't give up!"

"Being optimistic is the light that illuminates the path out of the darkness."

Jewel Kinch-Thomas in "Possibility = Optimism + Resilience"

"Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and negative emotional experiences. Optimism contributes to resilience and is key to how we adapt to stressful situations.  When confronting challenges, optimists show more resilience, even if progress is difficult and slow. There is a reciprocal relationship between these two: optimism leads to resilience and resilience results in more optimism. A resilient leader has a high level of self-awareness, is flexible and adaptive in thinking, displays courage and emotional strength, and optimism. Assuming a resilient posture as a leader means embracing uncertainty and vulnerability in every learning experience. Let optimism be your instrument of resilience. Be brave. Be bold. This very moment is your invitation to the future."

Ciara Lancaster, Author of Reimagine Change

"I’m a big believer in real optimism. Once you view the world through a trauma-informed lens, you recognise the importance of facing harsh realities and leveraging our innate, deep reserves of resilience to move through and overcome the situation."

Jim Spigener, Dekra North America

"What makes me optimistic is seeing people's resilience over my 69 years.

"Leaders who with self-motivation blaze paths for others to see the way. They transform organizations and light fires in people.

"We have a team of leaders in my company who do not know what "give in" means.

"I have had the honor of working with the best leaders in the world, and those are the leaders who understand the human spirit and realize that they have the ability to help people see what is possible.

"That level of optimism is the glue that holds the human organization together and propels it forward, my friend.

"Keep doing the good work.

"I am never going to retire. That, to me, means giving up. I am truly inspired by working with those who are dedicated to a better world."

Professor Joseph Lo Bianco, Professor of Language and Literacy, Melbourne Graduate School of Education

"An optimistic outlook is healthier and provides more resilience in life."

Natalie Dattilo, PhD MHA

 "Optimistic thinking is a powerful tool that allows us to reframe a situation. It’s a thinking strategy that empowers us and helps us build confidence. It can breed a sense of personal strength and is the foundation of resilience. And like anything, with practice you can get better at it. Our current circumstances provide the perfect opportunity to do just that."

Read More on Radical Optimism and Radical Optimists

Dona Tantirimudalige, MD, Westernport Water

 "Where necessity might be the mother of invention, without optimism, invention would seldom grow beyond the embryonic. What do I mean by that? Well, I believe optimism is critical in every step towards innovation. The drive to dream of what might be possible unconstrained by the perceived restrictions of the status quo requires optimism. The courage to not only envision the future you want but to step into planning and creating that future requires optimism. The willingness to step away from the theoretical and into action requires optimism. And when facing failure, the resilience to dust yourself off, regroup, learn, and try again (or try something different) requires optimism. Every step towards innovation requires optimism."

Jennifer Vigne, President & CEO, Education Foundation of Sarasota County

"I do believe understanding levels of optimism, or lack thereof can be a solid indicator of how students can improve their academic performance, and how we as adults can optimize our own performance….Equipping our children with neurological lifelong tools like optimism, which can be practiced and improved over time, may not only make them happier, but studies show it will help them perform better in school. It will help them better overcome obstacles by viewing challenges as learning opportunities, and it will develop resilience when they’ve persevered through a difficult circumstance. To be clear, I’m not suggesting a Pollyanna view of the world but rather a healthy dose of balanced optimism that can help children and adults choose a more positive outlook.”

Chris Botha, Economic Development

"Optimistic leadership starts with a choice, a choice everyone is given every time they walk into their office, workplace, home, sports ground, cultural venue or public space. That choice is to always engage with your fellow humans with a real curiosity and interest. Always remind yourself that everyone else has many stories to tell and by listening and engaging with those stories we make them realise that they have a narrative and a purpose. It encourages them and makes them believe in themselves. Their stories also make your own life more interesting; it makes you realise the capabilities and resilience of the people around you and it also makes you more confident about what you are capable of."

Jo Mikleus, Executive General Manager Insurance, Latitude Financial

“Optimism in leadership embodies essential qualities required to lead in a fast-paced and ever-changing world. I think the valuable qualities of an optimistic leader include self-awareness, flexibility, self-confidence, initiative, resilience, and adaptability.  Having an optimistic outlook creates conditions for success as it allows leaders to recognise and redirect unhelpful reactions, to think before acting, and to choose positive responses. Leaders who are optimistic generally raise the aspirations of their teams to aspire towards (and achieve) their best. They do this by creating an environment that blends vision with personal accountability, innovative thinking and appropriate risk-taking.”

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon

"I think in every immigrant you'll find a deep optimism and a deep resilience too. My dad is an intense hard worker. My dad is warm and he teaches an easy smile."

Sharon Bown RN, FACN

 "What makes me optimistic is our capacity for renewal. I myself have knocked on death's door three times unsuccessfully and my ability to be able to not just recover, but to renew my life after severe trauma. I am also an avid gardener and I find a lot of peace in the garden and it's a living representation of renewal."

Professor Neal Rosendorf, International Relations Professor at New Mexico State University

 “Take it from one who knows: even the most optimistic people can have dark nights of the soul. As much as anything else, optimism is the refusal to resign oneself to that darkness, accompanied by the determination to struggle toward the light.”

Wendy A Harris QC

"What makes me optimistic is the galvanising effect of significant adversity; history demonstrates it gives people the opportunity to show what they are truly made of and can bring out the best human qualities in all of us."


Kimberly S. Reed, Author of “Optimists Always Win! Moving from Defeat to Life’s C-Suite”

“Gratitude is the rocket fuel to our resilience. You don’t expect to become an optimist overnight. It takes practice and intention. Eventually, your self-talk will contain less self-criticism, less negativity and more self-acceptance. You may also become less critical of the world around you. When our state of mind is generally optimistic, you are better able to handle life in a more constructive way.”

Read More on Gratitude and Optimism

Mary Berry, Communities of Respect

“What makes me optimistic? Being surrounded by amazing people who work selflessly to help others and pave futures of opportunity, inclusion, resilience and strength within our communities."

Read More: Surround Yourself with Optimists

Geffrye Parsons, CEO of The Inclusion Imperative

"As someone who spends much of his time and energy promoting better inclusion of minority talent, it is natural to find one's reserves of resilience occasionally running low. But I always remain hopeful and optimistic - so much so that I actively supported the #ChooseHope campaign pioneered by The Stress Management Society in 2022. That is not only because I believe in the justness of the cause, and the arc of history bending in its favour, to quote Martin Luther King - but also because I believe in its fundamental logic. All progress is rooted in celebrating the value of difference - and I am fervently optimistic that rational behaviour, which understands and embraces this, will ultimately bring continued progress."

Associate Professor Jane Munro AM GAICD

"Internal resilience and realistic and practical action reinforce my optimism, and, when in the thick of difficult times I recall two quotes: ‘If winter comes, can spring be far behind?’ And, ‘Come what come may, time, and the hour runs through the roughest day.’

Max Purcell, Director, Corporate Governance at Morrow Sodali
"What makes me optimistic is the resilience and strength of humans and the world around me, along with the potential for positive change."
"What makes me feel optimistic is being able to witness the world around me, these exact examples of resilience, strength, kindness and the fast-paced progress of individuals and communities across the world. This is enabled by extraordinary intelligence, both past and present, and wisdom bestowed upon us over generations, leading to the clear goal of bettering the world around us for the planet and future generations."

Sam Banzi

"I believe that optimism is a catalyst for personal growth and positive change in our lives and communities. What makes me optimistic? The unwavering resilience and determination of individuals, the collective acts of kindness that ripple through society, and the endless possibilities that each new day brings. These are the sparks that ignite hope and fuel my optimism."

Dr Carla M. Shuman

"Even though it’s not always easy to be optimistic, I think it’s critical to survive and thrive in a stressful, often pessimistic world. I also think that remaining optimistic is key to building resilience and becoming stronger so that we can meet challenges with greater perseverance. Life is more enjoyable, and I feel freer as a human being because I am optimistic. Again, it’s not always easy, and I think genuine optimism comes from being resilient, so they feed off of each other."

Huma Munir in "Islam and Optimism"

"Optimistic people are more resilient. When they face adversity, they do not give up easily. They look at challenges and realise that perseverance is key. This is why believers are commanded not to give up on praying."

Louise Jackson in "12 signs that you’re a naturally optimistic person"

"Optimism helps strengthen your resilience because you know it will all be ok.  You can take the knocks."


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