Courage and  Optimism

"Optimism provides a foundation for courage by giving a sense of hope, belief in the future, resilience, and determination, which can help a person face difficult challenges and take bold action with confidence."

Ernest Shackleton, Explorer

 “Optimism is true moral courage

Denise Avchen, Environmental Research Advocates

"Optimism is the grease in the wheels of progress. It’s what enables us to move forward with all personal, professional or societal change. It’s the element needed to make dreams come true. In my mind, optimism and courage are synonymous, beautiful and essential to life."

Melissa Thorpe Sidebotham

"Optimism illuminates new paths and gives you and others the courage to explore them."

Rita Wirtz in "Stories From a Teacher's Heart"

"It is imperative we remain optimistic and not give in to fear, to share our moral courage and recognize together is better.” 

Sally James, Author

“Some people are optimistic the sun will come out when deluged with rain; others that there will be rain when the ground is parched; and some that there will be snow just because of its simple beauty. We all have different reasons for having optimism, and sometimes finding it requires greater effort than others. Optimism is what is there waiting for us to dig from sometimes the deepest depths within us enabling us to rise with hope each new day when faced with hopelessness. It is what gives us courage to face each day, and believe that, even if all we do is bring a smile to a sad face, a note of cheer to someone who is struggling, then nothing is wasted.  Optimism is believing that life can always be better, that, when facing a wall too high to climb, there will be a door to find.  Optimism is allowing ourselves to be nourished by the contributions of those around us, that there is always room to grow and improve, and that if we believe that goodness is what pervades our hearts and actions, then we will conquer adversity.”

Lachlan Brown, in "The top 10 personality traits that predict success"

"Optimism is the foundation of courage. It gives us the confidence and motivation to take action and preserve even in the face of challenges and setbacks.  This is why successful people aren’t easily discouraged. They keep trying and learning from their failures which sets them up for success.   It helps them see the potential in themselves and in the opportunities that come their way."

Read More inspiring insights on optimism in Victor Perton's "Optimism: The How and Why"

Optimims How and Why Cover


The Dalai Lama speaking at the Compassionate Leadership Summit in October 2022 

Knowledge gives us courage. If we had only one life, we might well feel demoralized, but the idea of leading many lives brings me optimism. Buddhist traditions have many techniques for training the mind so there’s no need to feel disheartened."

Read More by The Dalai Lama on Optimism

Pope Francis speaking in Assisi at "The Economy of Francesco

"According to Scripture, young people are the bearers of a spirit of knowledge and intelligence. It was the young David who humbled the arrogance of the giant Goliath (cf 1 Sam 17: 49-51). Indeed, "when civil society and businesses lack the skills of the young, the whole of society withers and the life of everyone is extinguished. There is a lack of creativity, optimism, enthusiasm, and courage to take risks. A society and an economy without young people are sad, pessimistic and cynical."

Nicholas M. Butler

"Optimism is the foundation of courage."

Kathleen Porter-Magee in "3 lessons in transformational leadership", writing about the leadership of Jill Kafka

"When negativity is currency, optimism and courage are everything.

Aneil Mishra in "It takes courage and humility to empower new talent."

A "connection exists between courage and hope, which is the emotion that reinforces the thinking that optimism represents. Together, a leader’s optimism and hope helps inspire followers to work together to achieve the future."

"His courage and optimism during the last years of his life will leave a lasting legacy for those who loved him." Vale Michael Hurvitz

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