Centre for Optimism

Realism buffs Optimism: Syed Saeed Alam

Written by Victor Perton | Oct 30, 2022 7:21:37 PM
By Syed Saeed Alam, Karachi, Pakistan
Realism buffs Optimism

Optimism isn't about seeing everything as promising. Optimists don't ignore problems or pretend life is cozy and perfect. They just choose to focus on what's good about a situation and what they can do to make things better.

Optimists have true confidence because they're prepared for any untoward situation. Optimism goes beyond seeing the bright side of a situation or expecting good things. It's also a way of explaining what has already happened.

When something good happens, optimists think about what they did to make the situation turn out so well. They see their abilities as permanent, stable parts of themselves. They think of how this good thing can lead to other good things.

When things fall short of expectations,  optimists don't blame themselves. They see failures and setbacks as temporary blockades. When something goes wrong, optimists link it to a specific situation or event, not their capabilities. Because they don't view setbacks as personal failings, optimists are able to bounce back from disappointments better than pessimists.

People aren't always optimistic or always pessimistic, but most people tend to lean toward one of these thinking patterns. The good news is, if we tend to be more pessimistic, we're not destined to always think that way. We can all become more optimistic by tweaking the way we see things.

Optimism builds resilience and optimists see dismal realities as temporary situations that they can get past. It strengthens optimists to try again later rather than give up. It allows them to keep their goals and dreams in play so they can act on the motivation to keep working toward them. Because of this, optimistic people feel more in control of their situations and have higher self-esteem and positivity.

Pessimism induces pessimists to take disappointments and rejections personally. It makes them seem more permanent than they are. A pessimistic outlook can exaggerate the negative aspects of a situation so they overshadow anything positive. Pessimistic thinking makes it harder to cope when things don't go as expected.

Pessimism can drag us down so it's good to know that we can change a negative mindset. But that doesn't mean expunging all negative thinking. A healthy mindset lets us zoom in on a problem more realistically. Thinking about what could go wrong helps us avoid too much risk.

Optimism and pessimism are two mindsets — ways of thinking and seeing things. It can take a little while, so we don't feel discouraged. Becoming more aware of the two styles can gradually help us start noticing more ways to be optimistic. Just keep telling ourselves regularly that " We can be more optimistic and we are going to keep practicing!"
Despite having a pessimistic outlook, The best thing about optimism is that it can be learnt.

Optimism goes hand-in-hand with action. It's about finding a healthy balance of positive and realistic thinking.

Optimism is a thinking style that can be learned with continued practice whereas pessimism can be unlearned with the passage of time.

Optimism is the engine that galvanizes society forward.

Optimism binds good things which can lead to other good things.