Centre for Optimism

Optimism is the Key to Achieving Social Sustainability

Written by Victor Perton | Mar 6, 2023 8:07:37 AM

"It is well-documented and researched that optimism and positivity impact the success of people and organisations. Science tells us optimistic people live longer, stronger, healthier lives. Optimism is a key attribute I seek out in others, because I know it gives them confidence to achieve, deliver and perform – in business this is a critical skill. In uncertain times optimism gives us the strength to continue on, and is infectious to those around us. As a leadership attribute this is key to influencing and bringing others on the journey in an uncertain ever-changing world.”  

That's the wisdom of Rachel Aziz, Chief People & Culture Officer, recoveriescorp.

I will be joining Rachel in the recoveriescorp "Social Sustainability Roundtable"  tomorrow.


Optimism is the key to achieving social sustainability, as it fosters a positive outlook and a belief that progress is possible.

Optimism inspires action. When individuals and communities believe that positive change is possible, they are more likely to take action to make that change happen. For example, if people believe that it is possible to reduce inequality or improve access to healthcare, they are more likely to advocate for policy changes or invest in initiatives that promote these goals. This type of action is essential for achieving social sustainability, as it requires collective efforts and cooperation.

Optimism underpins resilience. Social sustainability involves creating conditions that support the well-being of individuals and communities, and that can withstand social, economic, and environmental challenges. Optimistic individuals and communities are more likely to bounce back from setbacks and overcome obstacles, as they believe in their ability to adapt and thrive. This resilience is key to creating a sustainable future, as it enables communities to weather crises and emerges stronger.

Optimism fosters innovation. Social sustainability requires creative and innovative solutions to complex social and environmental problems. Optimistic individuals and communities are more likely to embrace new ideas and approaches, and to take risks in pursuit of positive change. This willingness to experiment and innovate is essential for finding sustainable solutions to complex problems, and for adapting to changing social and environmental conditions.

Optimism fosters collaboration. Achieving social sustainability requires collaboration and partnership across diverse sectors and stakeholders. Optimistic individuals and communities are more likely to work together towards common goals, as they believe in the power of collective action. This collaboration is essential for achieving social sustainability, as it enables communities to pool resources and expertise and leverage the strengths of different individuals and organizations.

Optimism is the key factor in achieving social sustainability, as it inspires action, promotes resilience, fosters innovation, and enables collaboration. By cultivating optimism and a belief in the possibility of positive change, individuals and communities can work together towards a more sustainable future.

As my co-panellist Hannah Cook told me,  “Social change can take years, decades or even centuries.  Optimism must be adopted to keep the long game active, influence and share with the right people to ultimately see that change occur.