Centre for Optimism

Looking up, looking ahead: Winning sales through the pandemic & beyond

Written by Victor Perton | Oct 7, 2022 9:06:07 AM

2020 In March when COVID-19 really hit, Sue Barrett spoke to us about Purposeful Optimism, Sales and the future: how to keep selling during the crisis. We asked her back to update us on what's happening in the world for selling and business. For "Looking up, looking ahead: Winning sales through the pandemic & beyond", Sue was accompanied by Susanna Bevilacqua, the founder of Moral Fairground, and together they talked to us about how to find and win sales during the crisis and beyond; how businesses are adapting to the new normal, and tell us about a new remote program designed specifically to help businesses and people adapt and keep selling during the crisis and beyond.


Sue Barrett is a CEO, Strategist, Educator, Writer, and Advisor in Ethical, Sustainable Sales Strategies, Skills & Ethos for Better Business. Susanna Bevilacqua is the Founder of Moral Fairground. Moral Fairground, provides a platform that connects businesses, individuals and communities to create a positive impact in society through running ethical businesses, making ethical lifestyle choices and staying united to achieve the goal of a fairer and more transparent world. Robert Masters is the Chair of The Centre for Optimism Victor Perton is the COO of The Centre for Optimism