Centre for Optimism

Observing small miracles of life we become optimistic: Morni Chen

Written by Victor Perton | Jan 8, 2023 5:59:32 AM
"Joy can be elusive. We need to creep up on it by consciously choosing to see through the eyes of awe and wonder. Thoughts produce feelings. Observing the many small miracles of life, we become optimistic about creation. We experience an interconnectedness as we witness the magic of creation in process."
That's what my friend, Morni Chen shared with me.  Morni is the author of "Mystic at the Edge."
I am excited.  We at The Centre for Optimism are collaborating with The Art and Science of Joy to celebrate their Year of Joy.
The year of Joy will opened on 17 January and to my delight wopened with the Superpower of Optimism.
If you live in Melbourne, Australia come and join us for breakfast on the 21st January.  (Book via Eventbrite)
“We have a choice between fear and love. Optimism is an expression of love, a higher energy and so it is more powerful than fear.” (Morni Chen)
 "I really believe that innately people are good; and when people have a chance to share, they do that with their heart, and they experience the benefit as well." (Morni Chen in "Food Community Hour of Optimism in The Optimism Cafe")