Centre for Optimism

Choose Optimism over Awfulness, Joy over Jaundice: Margot Foster

Written by Victor Perton | Jan 17, 2023 5:56:08 AM

"From a scowl to a smile. A harrumph to a hug.  A tantrum to a touch. A cancellation to a query.  A lashing to a leg up. We can choose optimism over awfulness, joy over jaundice, and humanity over hubris."

That's what Margot Foster AM told me when I asked her about the connection between optimism and joy as we at The Centre for Optimism join with The Art and Science of Joy to celebrate their Year of Joy starting with the joy-superpower of optimism commencing today!

Margot is a very interesting person with a love of humanity.  She has 30 years experience in sports administration and governance at the board level. She was an elite rower winning medals at the 1984 Olympic Games and 1986 Commonwealth Games.   Margot consults to organisations, including many in sports, on the importance of good governance, strategic thinking and being the best you can be at the board table.

 The year of Joy starts today and, to my delight, opens with the Superpower of Optimism. 

Join us for a global interactive web-gathering on 19 January at 8 pm EST, 5 pm PST and 20 January at 12 pm AEST - register for free via Zoom -  register for free via Zoom.
If you live in Melbourne, Australia, come and join us for breakfast on the 21st of January at 8 am AEST.  (Book via Eventbrite)