Centre for Optimism

Kaveh Guilanpour Optimistic for COP27

Written by Victor Perton | Nov 7, 2022 6:29:38 PM

Kaveh Guilanpour is vice president of international strategies at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions and a former advisor in the U.N. secretary general's climate team. 

He spoke to Ayesha Rascoe.


Ayesha asked, "How optimistic are you that net-zero goals can be met in time to slow down or even halt the threats that the globe is facing?"

Kaveh said, "I'm optimistic. At the time that the Paris Agreement was adopted, the actual global goal was to try to reach net-zero emissions sometime in the second half of the century. That was only just over six years ago that we agreed that, almost seven years ago. Now we have countries making solid commitments to reach net-zero by the middle of this century, not by the end. And what's interesting about that is that we've had that shift in perception just in the space of five years. So things are going in the right direction. And we are seeing a huge acceleration in the transition of renewable energy, but also the uptake by the private sector and the reduced costs of making that transition. So I am optimistic. I think things like the United States coming forward with the Inflation Reduction Act that really put concrete domestic national-level policies in place are important, and will trigger further action in the marketplace. So I am optimistic that we can do this, also because we have to."