Centre for Optimism

What supports the optimistic outlook of Kaniva?

Written by Victor Perton | Oct 16, 2022 6:07:41 AM

Last year we asked the people of Kaniva what makes them optimistic.  At the town optimism dinner, Kaniva declared itself the most optimistic town in Australia! 

In our online survey, we ask, "What if anything supports your optimistic outlook?"  

The top answers globally in order are Mindset; Life Experience; Most people are trying to do good; Gratitude; Faith in God; Family; Faith in Humanity; Hope; Science; Young People; Things will work out in the end; Belief; Friends; The Future; History; Medical Science; Good Government; and, The Economy.

For Kaniva, it is very much community, life and faith.






A large proportion of the town answered our survey either face-to-face as I doorknocked or on our online survey.