Centre for Optimism

Unleash Your Imagination and Optimism: Dennis Kleidon

Written by Victor Perton | Mar 12, 2023 8:42:40 PM

"Deciding to embrace optimism is the only choice if you wish to advance to a more extraordinary life."

What popped up in my clippings?  "The public can join Dennis Kleidon, author of “Unleash your Imagination . . . Transform your life,” for this two-part session through a journey of self-discovery. See how imagination, innovation and optimism can transform your life. This two-part session is free and open to the public from 10-11:30 a.m., Friday, March 17 and 24 at Unitarian Universalist Church—Surprise."

I bought a copy of Dennis Kleidon's book "Unleash Your Imagination: Transform Your Life" and was delighted!

Dennis writes, "I approach life with a very positive and optimistic spirit, knowing that, in the end, it will all be fine. Nothing is ever as bad as it might seem, and nothing is ever as good as it might seem. But somewhere in the middle, one can find joy and happiness."

"Many authors talk about optimism and how to live life with an optimistic spirit. Living life with optimism and a positive attitude is essential to being able to control your vision and edit the things you are seeing. Fill your life with those things that are reinforcing and supportive of your values, principles and especially your goals. Believing is seeing. Your beliefs will guide what you are seeing and will help you differentiate the positive from the negative. Seeing can reinforce believing, but be careful what you allow yourself to see. If your beliefs are not strong enough, solid enough, the things that you see will have a strong influence on your beliefs. This is backward thinking."
"Optimism is essential to letting the imagination run wild. You must be confident that anything you dream, any desire begging to surface could be successful. Optimism allows you to proceed with confidence, experimenting and expecting that your efforts will not be wasted but will meet with success. Open the door to a vast array of possibilities. Optimism will allow you to choose freely and know that when the choice is made, there are real possibilities that your dreams will be achieved."
"The more we unleash our imaginations, recognize our own potential, and embark on a thoughtful pursuit of becoming our own best selves, the more we will feel the optimism, peace, and joy of that journey."
"Approaching life with optimism and a positive spirit is one of the most important elements. We must believe in our future. We must feel that what we are planning for our life will have positive outcomes. This will allow us to proceed with confidence and to unleash our dreams and desires without reservation. Being positive and optimistic will automatically set the stage for happy results. Will a positive spirit guarantee good results? Of course not. But, if we approach life with an optimistic and positive spirit, one thing is assured–we will enjoy the process along the way, whether we reach our goals or not."