Centre for Optimism

Daisaku Ikeda on Optimism

Written by Victor Perton | Oct 5, 2022 12:11:30 AM

Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist philosopher, and President of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) lay Buddhist movement on optimism and life:

“True optimism is based on unwavering conviction in our innate human potential.” 

"Real optimism should not be confused with a carefree outlook on life, one in which we forfeit responsibility for our lives. The person undefeated by misfortune, poverty, insult and vilification; the person who can bounce back from every adversity and say, 'What? That was nothing!'  The person who marches on toward hope through sheer force of will; that person is a true optimist." 

"When young people's will to transform reality merges with an indomitable optimism, the possibilities are limitless."  (In the 2020 annual peace proposal by Daisaku Ikeda)

“I do not believe that people are powerless. The philosophical tradition that I embrace teaches on the most fundamental dimension - that of life itself - that each human life partakes of the limitless life force of the cosmos. The same power that moves the universe exists within our lives. Each individual has immense potential, and a great change in the inner dimension of one individual's life has the power to touch others' lives and transform society. Everything begins with us.” (From the book "Hope is a Decision”)