Centre for Optimism

Circular Economy Optimism: George Osborne and Ragini Prasad

Written by Victor Perton | Nov 14, 2022 8:03:32 AM

George Osborne

"I am optimistic about not only the opportunities that embracing the circular economy will provide in addressing climate change, but the growing understanding of the business imperative to do so."

Ragini Prasad

"There is so much to be optimistic about in the Circular Economy world. At its heart, a Circular Economy acknowledges the interconnected nature of everything. It would mean that we create, use and repurpose in a manner that supports the thriving of the planet and all those who depend on it. Isn't that a vision worth striving for??!!"

Chelsea McLean

"There are so many reasons to be optimistic about the development of a circular economy. The circular economy is regenerative, accessible and abundant, explains the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's former Head of Innovation Ken Webster in a recent video chat with Jaine Morris and Ashleigh Morris from Coreo. My favourite quote from Ashleigh sums it up: “In the narrative around climate change and around sustainability, they’re both about less - you need to do less, have less, consume less, produce less and we’re still getting really bad results... I see the circular economy as a narrative of opportunity, not only for businesses but for citizens.”

Watch the full interview: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/chelseamcleanprandmarketing_circulareconomy-innovation-timeforchange-activity-6647803428661751808-v6bt