Centre for Optimism

Cameron Norton's Good Fortune in Positive Leadership and Leaders.

Written by Victor Perton | Feb 1, 2023 7:05:10 PM

"What makes me Optimistic? The potential of the people around me."

I asked Cameron Norton what makes him optimistic.  Cameron answered:

 "What makes me Optimistic? The potential of the people around me. This potential is often hidden below the surface. By supporting them to step into their greatness, you see the individual light up and become energised as they grow and expand their contribution and impact through fulfilling their potential."

Cameron Norton is a Partner - Search & Advisory at Davidson.

I asked Cameron about the positive leaders who have inspired him.

Cameron named Frank Cunningham "a basketball coach I had as a junior who built a champion team rather than a team of champions. Frank empowered you to “take the shot” rather than benching you for when you took the shot and missed. If you did miss, he supported you to take the next shot and make it. This leadership style meant that as players, we competed without fear and without restrictions. He brought out the best in us as individuals and built a high-performing and cohesive team that achieved a lot."

Cameron generously shared his wisdom gained from his "good fortune: in "having many positive leaders across various contexts in my life. The leaders are all different in their own right but also had consistent traits or approaches that inspired, uplifted and supported me to keep moving forward."

 "To summarise, the best leaders I have had are those that:

  • Be the example every day;
  • Show up for their team
  • Bring energy to the room, meeting, and conversation
  • Do what they say they are going to do
  • Ask great questions
  • Challenge comfort zone thinking
  • Back, support and encourage
  • Pick you up and dust you off when needed
  • Connect at a personal level and genuinely care
  • Push you to stretch yourself and take action
  • Provoke your thinking
  • Clear the path