Centre for Optimism

The Optimism of Anvita Kotha

Written by Victor Perton | Nov 14, 2022 7:53:17 AM

Anvita Kotha from FLAME University, Pune was a 2020 summer intern with The Centre for Optimism 

At the start of her internship

"As for what makes me optimistic, I really think that looking forward to a better future where things are to our tastes can be the best motivation to exist. So I stay optimistic to motivate myself and remind myself that I can always do better. I can always take it a step further. Every step counts towards achieving my goals!"


At the end of her internship

“I’ve learned a lot through my time with the Centre for Optimism. I’ve learned that a definition does not constrain optimism and optimists. You have realists and eternal optimists and other ways of being optimistic. However, one thing that does remain the same is the hope for the future. Optimism can be anything you want it to be, a motivator or that push behind your back or maybe even a guide to better things. I became a true optimist by learning that optimism is more than just an outlook or a personality. It’s a collective effort that someone can be a part of to make the world and our surroundings a better place, bit by bit. And I’m proud to add my name to the list of optimists.” 


Read “The Better Normal” by Anvita Kotha (In Thrive Global)


Optimistic People and Words! 


Ishita Singh is an undergraduate student at FLAME University.  She said she tries to look at the bigger picture to be optimistic. She said she realized everything is temporary and even negative events come to an end.  

Sairaj Patki  has Ph.D. in Psychology from Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, and said that optimism is usually seen as a trait and thus those with this tendency do tend to be optimistic across different situations. That holds true for him to some extent as well. Having realistic life goals and maintaining the balance between knowing his limitations and strengths but also pushing to do his best helps him be optimistic. The social support available from near and dear ones around him also helps him be optimistic, even in the current pandemic situation. Finally, being trained in many skills really helps him stay positive.


Deepa Bapat as Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Neuropsychology from Macquarie University, Australia, and she says what makes her optimistic is the fact that every day is a new day, another chance to try things differently, learn something else. Hearing stories of kindness makes her feel like there is still good out there. Seeing the effect her work has also makes her feel optimistic.


Kritika Dua is an undergraduate student at FLAME University, and she answered the question: What makes her optimistic in terms of the coronavirus pandemic. She said the hope of the pandemic and its limitations ending and the way we all will work collectively towards a better time gives her hope and maker her optimistic


Subhadra Kotha is B.A. graduate in Politics, History, and Philosophy (also my mom!). She said the hope that the situation would return to normal and the pursuit of her happiness through meditation and staying healthy makes her stay optimistic.


Michelle Clement is an undergraduate student at FLAME University, and she says "Humans being kind to one another is one of the sources of my optimism. It's also something that I look forward to every day."


Gurpratap Thind is an undergraduate student at Pune University. His version of being optimistic relies on being realistic. He emphasizes the importance of being able to accurately assess outcomes and foreseeing obstacles but also being able to foresee workarounds, hence being a realistic optimist


Siddhant Nair is an undergraduate student at FLAME University. He says he is optimistic because there will be a better tomorrow. 


Shalaka Shah is a Psychology Professor at FLAME University. She holds Ph.D. in Pedagogy and Psychology from Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Munich,Germany. She says she believes optimism is innate, and she believes she is a positive person. She likes to observe the positive traits and characteristics in everything she comes across, as well as solutions to problems. She also said optimism can be situational, and that can facilitate optimistic thoughts. She feels that optimism is a driving force, and that it is a driving force alongside hope, and it enables you to think about your future positively. Being optimistic can help with being uncertain about the future. She says optimism is like the management of thoughts, where you consciously choose to keep positive thoughts in your mind so that you stay on track and manage negative thoughts.  


More Flame University Optimists


Sudarshan Daga, FLAME University, Pune

"What keeps me optimistic is the fact that I believe that the best is yet to come. This has helped me ease through difficult times as well, in terms of my college, my relationship and various other obstacles. This belief provides me with an internal strength and hope, keeping me positively charged throughout." 


Rutuja Zawar, FLAME University, Pune

"I believe optimism is not just a personality trait but a way a person can lead their life. I think people closest to me, my family and my friends make me optimistic. What keeps me going is the mantra of "This too shall pass" in difficult times. I believe that my optimistic thoughts exude positive vibrations in the universe, which ultimately helps me in being at peace with myself and my life. "